Capture the Moment!

Since 2013, I’ve published hundreds of blog posts on all aspects of photography. Some are aimed at helping photographers with their technique, settings, and equipment, but others describe my exhibitions, workshops, and adventures in Africa, Antarctica, and beyond.

Feel free to browse chronologically or click on any category heading for specific content, such as Equipment, Trips or Hints and Tips.

If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please drop me a line at or on +44 7942 800921.

Life List
Wildlife Nick Dale Wildlife Nick Dale

Life List

Every now and again, I see an animal or bird for the very first time. They’re nice moments, I suppose, but I’ve never worked out how often it happens or tried to write down a ‘life list’ of species—until now!

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Photographic Trips
Photography Nick Dale Photography Nick Dale

Photographic Trips

I’ve been a professional wildlife photographer since 2013, so I often lose track of all my photographic trips! For my own reference and for yours, here’s a list of everywhere I’ve been with my favourite photos from each place.

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Kings and Rollers
Trips Nick Dale Trips Nick Dale

Kings and Rollers

I’ve just spent a week as the resident photographer for Imvelo Safaris at Bomani Tented Lodge near Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe. I didn’t have any dramatic encounters and mostly saw lions and birds—which was a little disappointing as I’d heard that Hwange was a good place to see the Big Five. However, it was still very enjoyable—especially as I got free accommodation as part of the deal!

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Wildlife Photography with an iPhone
Equipment Nick Dale Equipment Nick Dale

Wildlife Photography with an iPhone

Wildlife photographers are often seen as ‘big men with big guns’—ie expensive cameras with long lenses. And I’m probably one of them! When guests on safari see my 600mm lens, they often come over to talk to me about it before admitting they ‘only’ have an iPhone—sometimes blushing in embarrassment!

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Silhouette City
Trips Nick Dale Trips Nick Dale

Silhouette City

I spent my second week in the Masai Mara at Kicheche Valley Camp, and you can probably sum it up in three words: cats, birds and silhouettes! I managed to see my ‘traditional’ cheetah kill, photographed many birds in flight and started and finished most days by taking sunrise and sunset silhouettes.

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2024: I Had a Year in Africa...
Photography Nick Dale Photography Nick Dale

2024: I Had a Year in Africa...

I didn’t quite spend a whole year in Africa (only 12 weeks!), but with a little help from a successful remortgage and a hefty bank loan, I managed to pay three visits to my favourite safari destinations (Kicheche and Muchenje) and stay in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe for the very first time.

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Mana from Heaven
Trips Nick Dale Trips Nick Dale

Mana from Heaven

Most people who meet someone who works for the National Security Advisor would probably have a brief chat and then forget all about him. I didn’t. Toby impressed me so much with the ‘mystical, blue light’ at Mana Pools and the chance to walk right up to the animals with a guy called Stretch Ferreira that I booked a trip as soon as I got home!

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Feast or Famine
Trips Nick Dale Trips Nick Dale

Feast or Famine

After Kapamba, I stayed at Zungulila in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, from 1 to 5 August. This was the last stop on my tour and, according to the website, it was supposed to be ‘a remote, classic tented safari camp that delivers an authentic safari experience in eminently peaceful surrounds’.

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Birds, Dogs and Pukus
Trips Nick Dale Trips Nick Dale

Birds, Dogs and Pukus

After Bilimungwe, I visited Kapamba in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, from 29 July to 1 August. According to the website, it was supposed to be ‘A remote and romantic camp situated in a prime location on the Kapamba River, and one of only two Bushcamps to be open from April to January’.

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The Dog Whisperer
Trips Nick Dale Trips Nick Dale

The Dog Whisperer

After Kuyenda, I spent four nights at Bilimungwe in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia. According to the website, it’s ‘beautiful’, ‘warm and welcoming’, ‘blends seamlessly with its surroundings and offers unrivalled wildlife viewings’. That wasn’t entirely true, but it did allow me to meet Manda, The Dog Whisperer…!

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Don't Drive Angry
Trips Nick Dale Trips Nick Dale

Don't Drive Angry

I’d been to Africa many times, and I’d never got angry with any of the staff before. It was almost inconceivable because they were all so friendly and helpful. Well, there’s a first time for everything, I suppose, and it arrived when I visited Mfuwe Lodge

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Roller Derby
Trips Nick Dale Trips Nick Dale

Roller Derby

When people ask if I photograph birds, I say I do—if there aren’t any animals around…! That’s not quite fair, though, and I enjoyed seeing birds of prey and the colourful beauty of rollers, kingfishers and bee-eaters around Chikunto Safari Lodge in South Luangwa National Park.

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How to Save Money as a Wildlife Photographer
Hints and tips Nick Dale Hints and tips Nick Dale

How to Save Money as a Wildlife Photographer

People often ask me how I spend my time as a wildlife photographer. Some assume I spend my whole life on expeditions to exotic locations. If only! Sadly, I only have the funds to go on a few trips per year, lasting two or three weeks each. However, I’ve learned that it’s easier to save money than make money, so here are a few money-saving tips that should help you spend more time in the bush.

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How do you Judge a Wildlife Photo?
Hints and tips Nick Dale Hints and tips Nick Dale

How do you Judge a Wildlife Photo?

People sometimes show me a wildlife photo and ask me what I think, but I always turn the question around. “What do you think of it yourself?” Aesthetics are subjective, so there’s no right or wrong answer, and my view is no more ‘valid’ just because I’m a professional wildlife photographer. However, if you ask me what makes a good photo, that requires a much longer answer…!

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What Accessories Do You Need For Wildlife Photography?
Equipment Nick Dale Equipment Nick Dale

What Accessories Do You Need For Wildlife Photography?

Wildlife photography can be an expensive hobby—and it gets even worse if you end up buying lots of accessories, including memory cards, spare batteries, filters, battery grips, flashguns, drones, tripods and camera bags. And what about a computer? Editing images and video on the go demands a top-of-the-range laptop that might set you back thousands…!

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I'd Rather be Lucky than Good!
Hints and tips Nick Dale Hints and tips Nick Dale

I'd Rather be Lucky than Good!

In a sense, every wildlife photograph is a matter of luck. These are wild birds and animals we’re talking about, not fashion models working in a studio! You can’t tell wildlife subjects to pose, and bears and big cats are too dangerous to get close to.

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Stills or Video?
Hints and tips Nick Dale Hints and tips Nick Dale

Stills or Video?

If you’re a wildlife photographer who also shoots video, when should you take pictures and when should you film? Tricky one. I’m in the same boat, and I’m never sure of the answer. I see myself as a photographer first and foremost, so that’s my priority, but there are times when video is the right way to go.

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