Capture the Moment!

Since 2013, I’ve published hundreds of blog posts on all aspects of photography. Some are aimed at helping photographers with their technique, settings, and equipment, but others describe my exhibitions, workshops, and adventures in Africa, Antarctica, and beyond.

Feel free to browse chronologically or click on any category heading for specific content, such as Equipment, Trips or Hints and Tips.

If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please drop me a line at or on +44 7942 800921.

Life List
Wildlife Nick Dale Wildlife Nick Dale

Life List

Every now and again, I see an animal or bird for the very first time. They’re nice moments, I suppose, but I’ve never worked out how often it happens or tried to write down a ‘life list’ of species—until now!

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Photographic Trips
Photography Nick Dale Photography Nick Dale

Photographic Trips

I’ve been a professional wildlife photographer since 2013, so I often lose track of all my photographic trips! For my own reference and for yours, here’s a list of everywhere I’ve been with my favourite photos from each place.

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How to Photograph Cheetahs
Hints and tips Nick Dale Hints and tips Nick Dale

How to Photograph Cheetahs

I’ve taken more photos of cheetahs than any other animal, so I thought it was about time I wrote about how to do it! Whether you favour portraits or action shots, here’s an expert guide to improving your cheetah photography…

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2024: I Had a Year in Africa...
Photography Nick Dale Photography Nick Dale

2024: I Had a Year in Africa...

I didn’t quite spend a whole year in Africa (only 12 weeks!), but with a little help from a successful remortgage and a hefty bank loan, I managed to pay three visits to my favourite safari destinations (Kicheche and Muchenje) and stay in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe for the very first time.

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What Lenses do you Need for Wildlife Photography?
Equipment Nick Dale Equipment Nick Dale

What Lenses do you Need for Wildlife Photography?

Size isn’t everything, as they say, but there’s nothing like the power, reach and feel of a long lens. It gets you where the action is and lets you take close-ups of skittish and possibly dangerous wild animals. You still need other types of lenses, of course, but they’re far less glamorous!

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Four Ways to Photograph African Birds in Flight
Hints and tips Nick Dale Hints and tips Nick Dale

Four Ways to Photograph African Birds in Flight

Most people prefer wildlife action shots to portraits, and I’m no different. I also spend a lot of time on safari, so I end up taking quite a few pictures of African birds in flight. Even the most beautiful bird looks better on the wing than on a stick, so it’s worth the wait! Here are a few tips to help you get the best possible results—depending on the size of the bird.

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How to Photograph Birds Fishing from the Hover
Nick Dale Nick Dale

How to Photograph Birds Fishing from the Hover

Normally, I like to post a ‘successful’ picture to illustrate these hints and tips posts, but I can’t today because I failed miserably! I was trying to photograph a common tern diving for fish, but I just couldn’t get a good shot of the moment when it hit the water.

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Wildlife Photography Workshop
Teaching Nick Dale Teaching Nick Dale

Wildlife Photography Workshop

I held my latest wildlife photography workshop at the London Wetland Centre this morning in association with Handmade Workshops.

We had five people, and it was very enjoyable—I hope for them as well as me!

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20 Photography Mistakes to Avoid
Hints and tips Nick Dale Hints and tips Nick Dale

20 Photography Mistakes to Avoid

There are lots of articles and books about how to take pictures, but there aren’t so many about how NOT to take pictures. This is a list of the silly mistakes we all make—and should all try to avoid. I’ve illustrated them with some of my own worst photos, so you can take heart from the fact that even I can be a bit of a muppet sometimes…!

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Ol Jogi
Trips Nick Dale Trips Nick Dale

Ol Jogi

Ol Jogi is in rhino country, and I had a rhino sighting on every single game drive until the final day of my visit. There are around 120 mainly black rhinos there, and it was great to see them. I hadn’t had so many sightings since I went to Etosha and saw 17 in one weekend!

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The Slow Pan
Hints and tips Nick Dale Hints and tips Nick Dale

The Slow Pan

I took this shot on an Exodus trip to Kicheche Bush Camp in 2018 with Paul Goldstein.

Paul’s a great fan of the slow pan to heighten the sense of energy in action shots, and I’m now his disciple!

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Photography earnings
Nick Dale Nick Dale

Photography earnings

I’ve been working as a professional photographer since 2013, and I just thought I’d provide you with some insight into how I make money.

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How I Photograph Birds
Hints and tips Nick Dale Hints and tips Nick Dale

How I Photograph Birds

When people ask me if I take pictures of birds, I say, “Yes, I do – if there aren’t any animals around…!”

I’m only joking (mostly!), but it’s true that there are a lot of ‘birders’ out there, and getting good shots of birds – particularly birds in flight (BIF) – is not that easy.

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