
Do you love watching cute lion cubs mob their mother in the Serengeti or a shy pig playing peekaboo in an Indian village?

If so, why not buy a framed print to hang on your wall? Just click on the image you want and place your order online.

Medium prints are available for £999 and large prints for £1,999 with free worldwide shipping.

If you have any questions, you can start a chat, call/text me on +44 7942 800921 or email me at nick@nickdalephotography.com.


Pig-aboo VR.jpg
Pig-aboo - Mono.jpg
Pig-aboo VR.jpg
Pig-aboo - Mono.jpg


from £999.00

A pig peeps out from behind a wall on the street in an old Indian village. Shot with a Nikon D800 and a 28-300mm lens at Tordi Sagar in India in November 2013.

ISO 250, 300mm, f/11, 1/125, 0 EV

This image was a finalist in Fusion Art's 3rd Annual Animal Kingdom Art Exhibition in January 2018 (see video).

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These guys are often as smart as dogs and also have plenty of personality. You show these qualities brilliantly with this fine image.
— Tony
Excellent image
— Isabel
Great spot and such a cute image
— N
Captured the moment very well
— Brian