Capture the Moment!

Since 2013, I’ve published hundreds of blog posts on all aspects of photography. Some are aimed at helping photographers with their technique, settings, and equipment, but others describe my exhibitions, workshops, and adventures in Africa, Antarctica, and beyond.

Feel free to browse chronologically or click on any category heading for specific content, such as Equipment, Trips or Hints and Tips.

If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please drop me a line at or on +44 7942 800921.

Addicted to AUTO...?
Hints and tips, Equipment Nick Dale Hints and tips, Equipment Nick Dale

Addicted to AUTO...?

Are you addicted to AUTO? Do you leave your camera in AUTO mode without ever trying aperture or shutter priority, let alone manual? If so, let me be your sponsor! I can help you improve your photography by encouraging you to use different cameras, lenses, settings and rules of composition—and you won’t even need to go cold turkey!

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When to Abandon Default Settings
Nick Dale Nick Dale

When to Abandon Default Settings

When you become a wildlife photographer, people give you lots of instructions about how to take pictures. They’re all good starting points, but the rules don’t always apply!

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