Capture the Moment!
Since 2013, I’ve published hundreds of blog posts on all aspects of photography. Some are aimed at helping photographers with their technique, settings, and equipment, but others describe my exhibitions, workshops, and adventures in Africa, Antarctica, and beyond.
Feel free to browse chronologically or click on any category heading for specific content, such as Equipment, Trips or Hints and Tips.
If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please drop me a line at or on +44 7942 800921.

How to Save Money as a Wildlife Photographer
People often ask me how I spend my time as a wildlife photographer. Some assume I spend my whole life on expeditions to exotic locations. If only! Sadly, I only have the funds to go on a few trips per year, lasting two or three weeks each. However, I’ve learned that it’s easier to save money than make money, so here are a few money-saving tips that should help you spend more time in the bush.

Wildlife sightings
The only question that really matters when you’re on safari is “Will we see X?” Now, ‘X’ may be a lion, a cheetah, a kill or a wildebeest crossing, but the frustrating bit is that you never get a straight answer.

Klein's Camp: Part 2
“There’s a lion fighting with a buffalo!” cried our driver, holding his binoculars and looking round in my direction. “Okay, let’s go!”

Klein's Camp
If I told you I had to ask a guy with a spear to walk me home every night for the last month, you’d probably ask where on Earth I was staying. The answer is Klein’s Camp in the Serengeti in Tanzania.